
Dec 6, 2010

Cannot connect to iTunes store while trying to update an app

Cannot connect to iTunes store

Ok today's fix is faced by a lot of people on all iDevices (iPhone, iPad, and iPod) this problem occurs sometimes when you try to update an app through the app store and although you enter the correct credentials still you get this problem.

1- That this problem is caused by carrier restrictions.
2- That this problem is caused by 3G or WiFi.
3- That this problem is caused by the latest update or backup you made.
4- That this problem is caused by the jailbreak or unlock.

True causes:
1- Might be caused by a corrupt restore after update.
2- Might be caused by playing with the root size of the device (jailbreak specific)
3- Might be caused by caused by small root folder size specified during jailbreak
4- Might just occur because of nothing.

Always make sure that your have a valid connection to the Internet.

If you don't have a jailbroken iPhone,iPad, or iPod I fear that your chances at fixing this are limited, as you have to try the following:
1- Try resyncing with iTunes
2- Try Signing out then in on your appstore account.
3- Try disbaling/enabling the internet whether through 3G or WiFi.

If the above failed you can:
1- download and update through iTunes
2- Remove the application and redownload it as some applications my have gotten corrupted between updates of the firmware. (you will lose all saved settings doing this)
3- Retry updating more than once.
4- if all above failed and choice one is just too much of a bother, you can do a full restore, that will always fix it, start up as clean.

If you have a Jailbroken iPhone,iPad, or iPod you can do all the choices mentioned above and there is another method that will fix this problem but you will lose the icons arrangements on your springboard.
1- Go to cydia and get iFile the free version will do just fine.
2- Open iFile and Navigate to /var/mobile/Library/Caches
3- Copy to another folder or just rename it. (this is to make a backup)
4- Delete
5- Reboot your iPhone or reset it by holding power+home till it restarts.
6- Once you see all your icons on the springboard.
7- Try updating again.

Sometimes the icons take a while to repopulate the backup is taken just incase they don't populate again. also you can use SSH to do the same.
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Mohammad Fakhruddin said...

it's not working!!either using ifile or ssh!i'm using itouch 4g with ios 4.3.3

Roman said...
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Roman said...

I've been on a million forums and no one ever suggested this.. it worked perfect on my iPad 2! (Jailbroken suggestion)

steph said...

Worked for me too on iPhone 4 using jb method. Before this fix to update any apps I'd have to delete them first...or I'd get the request for iTunes password followed by cannot connect to iTunes error message. New apps would install just fine though.

Aronsson said...

Wow thanks! I have search and search and nothing...until now! Thanks mate!

(iPad 2 jailbroaken)

Hamad said...

Thanks, it works with me using ... You saved me lots of time.

Anonymous said...

Many Thanks, It's Worked With My JailBroken iPad

Mandy11052010 said...

it worked on my hubby's iphone 4! He has been trying for days now to fix this error and after doing this it worked! Thanks so much!!! You're a lifesaver!!!

Unknown said...

worked for me, big thanks!!

-e- said...

Hi all my other apps are gone except for stock apps. I went to the store to update my apps and it says "install" instead of update prob bec it's not detecting my apps. What do i do? Do i install? And when do i take the backup plist file back? Sorry just wanted to make sure i do the right thing, pls help! Thanks a lot

Unknown said...

im donating 50$

Preeti said...

Thanks for sharing it, Excellent blog, doing great.
i brought iPhone recently and this problem irritating me, i solved it before.
I wanna share some source for iPhone lovers to solve their different kind of issue.
iTunes Account Login

Unknown said...

When I was working in my iphone and try to start programs then suddenly I receive the error and unable to start iphone programs. I update my iphone antivirus, then this error is removed for time being but again after two days I repeatedly receive this error. When I have installed this third party repair tool then I my iphone transfer file easily and also fix iphone error.

Unknown said...

Hello the file keeps on reinstalling itself after I reboot

Blogger said...
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